Subject: RE: [xsl] Fw: Converting to different format From: "Michael Kay" <mhk@xxxxxxxxx> Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2004 09:50:08 +0100 |
> Will you help me to get to > know how to use saxon 8.0. and where can I get saxon 8.0. is it an exe file.. > Start at and work from there. Saxon is issued as a Java .jar file. You need to install JDK 1.4 (a free download from, and you can then invoke Saxon from the command line using a command such as java -jar c:\saxon\saxon8.jar source.xml style.xsl >out.html Find your way around the documentation and then ask any questions if you are stuck. General XSLT coding questions are best asked on this list; Saxon-specific questions on the saxon-help list which you can find at the SourceForge site. It's a good idea to install a text editor that allows multiple windows and that provides a better command line console than the one that comes with Windows: examples are jEdit and UltraEdit. Michael Kay
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[xsl] Fw: Converting to different f, J_Eugene_Bernard/VML | Thread | RE: [xsl] Fw: Converting to differe, xptm |
RE: [xsl] Printing a value if an at, Michael Kay | Date | Re: [xsl] Best practices - using va, David Carlisle |
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