Re: [xsl] Merging and sorting files from a list

Subject: Re: [xsl] Merging and sorting files from a list
From: "cking" <cking@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2004 01:16:44 +0200
Hi Herve,

You're right, you can merge the nodes with the Muenchian method.
(until now, I had never really looked into this technique).

Is it only the time nodes that need to be merged? Yesterday, I thought 
you also wanted to merge the subpath (and subpath/subpath) nodes, 
which made it a bit more complicated.

As for the Sablotron error that you're getting, I don't have a clue.
I tried your stylesheets with Saxon (6.5.3) and no problem there...

Best regards,
Anton Triest

Wednesday, August 25, 2004 6:58 PM, Herve Dubreuil wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using sablotron to process the xslt and I'm getting an error while
> loading the second file of my list (it takes the path of the first file
> and adds its path and try to open it... which fails - like
> /home/herve/work/testvcd/1.xml2.xml failed to open)
> But I managed to write a script in 2 pass to transform the multiple
> xmls into a vcd file (value change dump) using the munchen technique
> (key and 
> generate-id)

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