Subject: Re: [xsl] Testing if multiple nodes contain values - nevermind From: Jonathan Kart <jkart@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2004 19:04:35 -0700 |
<xsl:variable name="all_publications"> <xsl:copy-of select="*[starts-with(name(),'publications_')]"/> </xsl:variable>
Thanks, jonathan
Hi all,
I'm sure i should be spending more time on this myself, but i'm in a bit of a time crunch and i can't seem to find what i'm looking for.
I'm trying to test to see if multiple nodes contain a value. xml is like:
<publication_1>a publication</publication_1> <publication_2>a publication</publication_2> . . . <publication_n>a publication</publication_n>
i want to do, in pseudocode <xsl:if test="any node which starts with publication_ has a value"> do something </xsl:if>
is it possible to concatenate string values of a nodeset together? (in xsl 1.0)
something like:
<xsl:test select="concat(*[starts-with(name(),'publication_')]) !='' ">
again, this may be simple. sorry. I wish i had more time to research it on my own.
Thanks for any help, jonathan
On Aug 26, 2004, at 4:08 PM, cking wrote:
Hello Susan,
<xsl:variable name="stop-words" select="document('')/xsl:stylesheet/sw:stop/word"/>
I didn't know this was possible? Selecting elements from the stylesheet by using document('')
Anyway, it didn't work for me... so I put the stop-words in a separate file and used
"document('stop-words.xml')/stop/word" instead; that worked.
(I also corrected the "uppercase" variable: the last 4 chars are missing)
Then, after some experimenting, I succeeded in sorting twice, with empty titles included,
simply by omitting [text()!=''] from your first for-each select. Like this:
<xsl:for-each select="//section-02/title"> <!-- removed [text()!=''] -->
<xsl:sort select="concat(substring(substring-after(.,' '), 0 div boolean
($stop-words[starts-with(translate(current(), $uppercase, $lowercase),
concat(translate(., $uppercase, $lowercase), ' '))])), substring(., 0 div not
($stop-words[starts-with(translate(current(), $uppercase, $lowercase),
concat(translate(., $uppercase, $lowercase), ' '))])))"/>
<xsl:sort select="number(concat(substring(../arrival-date, 7,4),
substring(../arrival-date, 1,2), substring(../arrival-date, 4,2)))" order="descending"/>
<!-- added ../ -->
<tr> <td width="10%"><xsl:value-of select="../doc-number"/></td> <td width="30%"><xsl:value-of select="../title" /></td> <td width="10%"><xsl:value-of select="../isbn-issn"/></td> <td width="20%"><xsl:value-of select="../imprint"/></td> <td width="20%"><xsl:value-of select="../description"/></td> <td width="10%"><xsl:value-of select="../arrival-date"/></td> </tr> </xsl:for-each>
You were really close, I guess... I hope I didn't miss something, but I think it works now
Best regards, Anton Triest
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