[xsl] xslt 2, grouping and more on indexing.

Subject: [xsl] xslt 2, grouping and more on indexing.
From: David.Pawson@xxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2004 11:32:30 +0100

<ientry1>abbreviation point</ientry1>
<ientry2>and use of letter sign, 5.6.2, 5.6.6</ientry2>
<ientry2>in abbreviations, 7.1.1-2</ientry2>
<ientry2>in designations, 5.6.14</ientry2>
<ientry2>in italicized abbreviations, 5.5.16</ientry2>
<ientry2>in personal initials, 7.1.6</ientry2>
<ientry2>in postcodes, 7.1.6</ientry2>
<ientry2>in reference abbreviations, 7.3.2-3, 7.3.6</ientry2>
<ientry2>in references, 7.3.1-4, 7.3.6</ientry2>
<ientry2>in Welsh, Appendix I (E)</ientry2>
<ientry3>and elided vowels, 5.1.7</ientry3>
<ientry3>French, Appendix II (A)</ientry3>
<ientry3>German, Appendix II (B)</ientry3>
<ientry3>in foreign ordinal terminations, 6.6.2, 6.7.5</ientry3>
<ientry1>French, Appendix II (A); see also <i>accented letters</i>;
<i>accent sign</i>; <i>foreign, words and names</i></ientry1>

I need to group by level, i.e. level 2 inside 1, 3 inside 2.
No problem with xslt 2.

The problem is the markup within the entries.
I'm processing the 'text' of the entries to mark up the references,
which spoils the markup (<i>  in the example).

current output is

      <ent>alphabets, see </ent>
      <ent>ordinal numbers, <r>6.6.2</r>, <r>6.7.5</r>
   <ent>French, <r>Appendix II (A); see also accented letters; accent sign;
foreign, words and names</r>

Any suggestions please?
   How to use text... and copy-of instead of 
Current code below

<xsl:template match="index">
        <xsl:for-each-group select="*" group-starting-with="ientry1"      >
            <xsl:copy-of select="dp:sep(.)"/>
            <xsl:for-each-group select="current-group()[position()&gt;1]" 
              <ientry2><xsl:copy-of select="dp:sep(text()[1])"/>
                  <ientry3><xsl:copy-of select="dp:sep(text()[1])"/>

<xsl:function name="dp:sep">
  <xsl:param name="ientry" as="node()*"/>
      <xsl:analyze-string select="$ientry" regex="([0-9][.0-9\-]*)">
          <r><xsl:value-of select="regex-group(1)"/></r>
          <xsl:analyze-string select="." regex="(Appendix .*$)">
              <r><xsl:value-of select="regex-group(1)"/></r>
              <xsl:value-of select="."/>

Regards DaveP.

**** snip here *****


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