Re: [xsl] variable question

Subject: Re: [xsl] variable question
From: Bruce D'Arcus <bdarcus@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2004 12:44:45 -0400
On Aug 29, 2004, at 11:29 AM, Michael Kay wrote:

If you want the value to depend on the context at the time you
reference the variable, then you need a function or template, not a

OK. So a good solution might be to define a simple template and then call it, so that my titleInfo template becomes something like the following?

<xsl:template match="mods:titleInfo[not(@type='abbreviated')]" mode="bibliography">
<xsl:when test="../mods:relatedItem[@type='host']">
<span class="title">
<xsl:call-template select="title-before"/>
<xsl:apply-templates select="mods:title"/>
<xsl:apply-templates select="mods:subTitle"/>
<xsl:call-template select="title-after"/>


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