[xsl] FOX: How to generate bookmarks for each new sequence?

Subject: [xsl] FOX: How to generate bookmarks for each new sequence?
From: "Kenny Bogoe (BogoeMD)" <kenny@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 15:32:59 +0200

I am having problems with the FOP bookmark extension (FOX). I am running FOP
to generate repeatable sequences of four pages and I need a bookmark for
every first page (page 1, page 5, page 9, etc.) in a sequence. If I only
generate one page sequence of four pages it works fine, but if I try to
input an xml with content for more than one sequence I get an error java
language error. I run FOP inside Cocoon.

Could it be that this is not possible at all?

Kenny Bogoe

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