Re: [xsl] SOT: XHTML modularization

Subject: Re: [xsl] SOT: XHTML modularization
From: "cking" <cking@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 19:29:10 +0200


Nathan Shaw wrote:

> Sort of Off Topic... Does anyone know of any good
> books, web sites or other tutorials on how to use
> XHTML modules to compose a DTD of your own XML
> vocabulary?
> I want to use most of the XHTML modules (table, lists,
> etc...) and add in my own elements and attributes. The
> W3C site is a good starting point, but a good deal of
> it goes over my head. I could use a more concrete
> guide.
> This is kind of a rush job too, so I would appreciate
> a cc reply as I am a digester (n8_shaw@xxxxxxxxx).
> Thanks all.
> --Nathan

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