[xsl] Using position predicate in XPath string within selectSingleNode DOM method

Subject: [xsl] Using position predicate in XPath string within selectSingleNode DOM method
From: "Matthieu Ricaud" <matthieu.ricaud@xxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2004 17:19:32 +0100
Hi !

Does anybody know why I can't write something like this :

Set objNode= objXML.selectSingleNode("foo[3]")

(no node matched)

Whereas objNode= objXML.selectSingleNode("foo") works fine

foo[3] is the abreviation for foo[position()=3]

position() is a function, would that means that function are not allowed in
Xpath string within selectSingleNode

I've also tried with SelectNodes method, but I still have the same problem

I use ASP with DOM and my parser is MSXML3

Has anybody an explanation for this,

In advance Thanks,



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