RE: [xsl] Variable iteration

Subject: RE: [xsl] Variable iteration
From: "Aron Bock" <aronbock@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 19 May 2005 13:06:01 +0000

If you don't care about the order of test,


Could be something like:

test="@requiredknowledge=preceding::*[substring(local-name(), 1, 10) = 'chunk_name' and ...]">

If you want to test for a specific order of $n, you could use a loop to pass in various values of n. How you generate that loop of numbers should be an FAQ. Essentially, select arbitrary nodes from XML (or current XSL) doc, and use position().

<xsl:for-each select="/foo/bar[position() &lt;= 3]"> // use a better path
   <xsl:variable name="n" select=" position of . "/>



From: fadi qutaishat <fadi_taher2000@xxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
To: xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [xsl] Variable iteration Date: Thu, 19 May 2005 04:05:47 -0700 (PDT)

Hi all,

I am having the following xslt file


<xsl:template match="chunk" mode="content">


<xsl:copy-of select="section"/>


In case of any matches this files extracts the
chunks sections that meets the condition. My problem
that I might have something like
chunk_name1_knowledge,  chunk_name2_knowledge,
chunk_name5_knowledge, chunk_name9_knoweldge, etc.
which are not sequentially ordered.

How can I assign these different values (i.e numbers)
to the variable $n.

I know that things can be structured in a different
way, but to some extent I think I would need them like
that way.

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