RE: [xsl] Saxon for windows?

Subject: RE: [xsl] Saxon for windows?
From: "Michael Kay" <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 4 Jun 2005 19:54:43 +0100
> HTTP requests work but performance would be hurt. 
> It's actually quite simple. I'm using a process class which 
> allows me to
> capture StdOut and StdErr, and that runs a process in the 
> background. The
> background process can be anything that runs via a command 
> line, 

I thought about this a little more.

For a single one-off request, spawning a process and running the processor
from the command line is probably quite viable. For any kind of production
service, where the same stylesheet is going to be executed repeatedly, or
where many different transformations are going to be run, a server
architecture in which the server can reuse resources when handling multiple
requests is going to be far better. And a server architecture based on HTTP
is probably as good as any other. So your statement "performance would be
hurt" is neither right nor wrong: it's just assuming a very particular kind
of workload.

Michael Kay

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