Re: [xsl] spacing issue

Subject: Re: [xsl] spacing issue
From: Spencer Tickner <spencertickner@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 6 Jun 2005 07:47:11 -0700
Hi Guys,

Thanks for the advice. Michael, I have set the indent in the output to
'no', this has made no difference.

David, I read over your post, I tried to place <xsl:text> around the
bracket, this didn't help. I realize that if I place the <insert> tag
dirrectly into the para template, this will work just fine. However,
the <insert> tag is used to index new text in our documents. Therefore
it can be anywhere.

This is why I needed to use it as an inline element and use
"apply-templates" instead of explicitly stating it.

Like I said I do have a solution using d-o-e, however as Michael said
I probably shouldn't be using it and little hacks like this are the
kinda thing that keep me up at night. If you have any other
suggestions or I misread either post I'd appreciate any comment.



On 6/6/05, David Carlisle <davidc@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>   space in the brakets due to a carriage return I just cannot get rid
>   of:
> In this case the end of line is one that you are inserting explictly, so
> the solution is easy, just don't insert it.
> <p class="para">(
>        <insert>
> That inserts a text node that consists of a bracket, a newline and seven
> spaces into the result tree.
> If you only want a bracket do
> <p class="para">(<insert>
> or
> <p class="para">
>   <xsl:text>(</xsl:text>
>   <insert>
> David
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