Subject: [xsl] Praise for XSLT 2.0 and Saxon 8 From: JBryant@xxxxxxxxx Date: Mon, 6 Jun 2005 11:33:18 -0500 |
I just want to post a public thank you to the XSL working group and to Mike Kay for XSLT 2.0 and Saxon 8 (which lets me use XSLT 2.0). I just completed a stylesheet that finds each of 1,513 terms in a 1,900+ page book and turns each term into a link (one of three different kinds of links at that). I first tried a 1.0 solution and wrote a recursive template, which promptly ran out of memory. Saxon said I had a looping problem, but I didn't (not Saxon's fault - that message is right most of the time). My template worked against a subset of the input, so it wasn't the template. I just had a BIG list of stuff to recurse over. Then I tried the XSLT 2.0 way and used analyze-string. In addition to working, it much simplified and reduced the code. Working is king, of course, but readable and maintainable are big on my list of criteria for good code. So now I have a pretty straightforward stylesheet that does the job in about 3 minutes. Given the size of the task (comparing the content of about 1,400 description nodes against a list of 1,513 keywords and replacing with links), that's fine performance, IMHO. Thanks much! Jay Bryant Bryant Communication Services (presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)
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