[xsl] how to get path to local file

Subject: [xsl] how to get path to local file
From: omprakash.v@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Tue, 7 Jun 2005 10:52:38 +0530
        I was trying to parse my xml file using catalogs when I got the
following exception:

java.net.MalformedURLException: unknown protocol: e

The problem appeared to be in the following function:

 URL newURL = new URL(testURL, spec);
(variable names changed).

The scenario is as follows:
I have a xml file that has a DOCTYPE with a public identifier. In my
catalog, I map this to a file in the local filesystem. So far so good. Now
I need to
retrieve the path to the local file by inquiring the DOM doctype object. It
returns me a string such as


which IMO is not a valid URL even for a local file.

How do I get path to the local file minus the file:/ stuff.

Any help is appreciated.


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