Re: [xsl] really wysiwyg xsl editor

Subject: Re: [xsl] really wysiwyg xsl editor
From: James Fuller <jim.fuller@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 09 Jun 2005 16:49:29 +0200
Kate Hickman wrote:

>Does anyone know of a very user friendly wysiwyg xsl editor, i.e. one which
>can be used to create report templates by non-IT people.  I have had a quick
>look at the MoreMotion and Stylus Studio options but they still seem to be
>for IT people.  Please also let me know if you have done an exhaustive
>search for a wysiwyg XSL editor for non-IT users and not found any.

Altova XMLSpy has a related application called Authentic which lets you
create forms ontop of xml using xslt.....good for input, XMLSpy is
probably the least techie of the lot, personally I find oXygen
( to be the right mix for my kind of work...and I find
that my clients use it equally as well.

gl, Jim Fuller


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