[xsl] xpath problem

Subject: [xsl] xpath problem
From: 04083259@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2005 14:07:23 +0100 (BST)
hi ever one

from the fllowing xml fragment
<category cat_id="1">one</category>
<category cat_id="2">one</category>
<category cat_id="3">two</category>
<category cat_id="4">three</category>
<sb-category  id="1"  category="1">one</category>
<sb-category  id="2"  category="1">one</category>
<sb-category  id="3"  category="1">two</category>
<sb-category  id="4"  category="3">three</category>

i am trying to output all sub-category  within <CC> corspondes to a
particuler category within <BB>

my last attempet to achive the desired result was the following but is wrong

can any one please help


//child::sb-category[attribute::id="1" and

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