RE: [xsl] really wysiwyg xsl editor

Subject: RE: [xsl] really wysiwyg xsl editor
From: "Kate Hickman" <kate@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2005 17:17:56 +0100
> Does anyone know of a very user friendly wysiwyg xsl editor,
> i.e. one which
> can be used to create report templates by non-IT people.  I
> have had a quick
> look at the MoreMotion and Stylus Studio options but they
> still seem to be
> for IT people.  Please also let me know if you have done an exhaustive
> search for a wysiwyg XSL editor for non-IT users and not found any.

Thank you very much to everyone who took time to answer my question on
Really wysiwyg editors.

I was after something which someone could use who did not have any interest
in xsl at all (well did not realise that they did anyway).  We downloaded
trial versions of all of the suggested programs and some others too.
Michael Kay's suggestion of Whitehill XSL Composer was especially useful in
my case.  It has not been developed for over three years and is unsupported
but it lead me to find Whitehill's new product, Whitehill Layout Designer,
also known as XSL Fast.  Disadvantages are that the output is in XSL-FO
format (rather than HTML), but my technical side says that that can be
sorted.  Thanks again.   We were thinking of having to write one from
scratch.  Kate

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