[xsl] join two files - plz help

Subject: [xsl] join two files - plz help
From: "Michael Donabauer" <michael.donabauer@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2005 12:57:16 +0200
Hi *,

i have two files which have to be joined trough xslt. I am using the
msxsl.exe from the mircosoft page. I hope this is anyhow the adequate

Here is an excerpt of the first XML-File, there is an object called
".../Device/Front_End/Port/@pd_name" inside:

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes" ?>

<Symmetrix id="000287970171">
<Device dev_name="0007" status="Ready" configuration="2-Way Mir">
<Flags worm_protected="False" grouped="False" meta="None"/>
<Capacity megabytes="3"/>
<Port pd_name="/dev/rhdiskpower0" director="02C" port="0"/>
<Disk director="16A" interface="C" tid="3"/>
<Device dev_name="0008" status="Ready" configuration="2-Way Mir">
<Flags worm_protected="False" grouped="False" meta="None"/>
<Capacity megabytes="3"/>
<Port pd_name="/dev/rhdiskpower1" director="02C" port="0"/>
<Disk director="01B" interface="C" tid="3"/>

With Unix-Shell (on AIX 5.3) i have generated an XML-File with the
Output of the AIX-Command lspv (list physical volumes). The content of
this valid xml-file looks like this: 

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes" ?>
<Symmetrix id="000287970171">
   <Port pd_name="/dev/rhdiskpower49" aix_vg="oraclevg">
   <Port pd_name="/dev/rhdisk0" aix_vg="rootvg">
   <Port pd_name="/dev/rhdisk1" aix_vg="rootvg">
   <Port pd_name="/dev/rhdiskpower4" aix_vg="oraclevg">
   <Port pd_name="/dev/rhdiskpower5" aix_vg="tsmvg">
   <Port pd_name="/dev/rhdiskpower6" aix_vg="tsmvg">


You see, in both files there are entries called "pd_name". Plz. could
you tell me how to join these two files? I need a report that shows at
least every "dev_name" and "*hdiskpower*" in the first mentioned sample
with the correct "aix_vg" in the second snippet. I have already read
many examples, but i can't make the grade. Any hint would be

Thanks in advance

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