Re: [xsl] Re: xsl-list Digest 22 Jun 2005 05:10:01 -0000 Issue 455

Subject: Re: [xsl] Re: xsl-list Digest 22 Jun 2005 05:10:01 -0000 Issue 455
From: David Carlisle <davidc@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2005 21:37:21 +0100
> That there's no current node while processing a scalar value, I  
> understand, but why can't there be a current document?

because current document means essentially the document node that you
get by executing ancestor::node()[last()] instance document()
and if the current item is a scalar value you can't execute that.
Nodes have identity and live in a document. values are just values.

(YOu could imagine a system in which "current document" was a separate
item in the context that was maintained (or changed) independently of
the "current item", but that's not the way it works.


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