RE: [xsl] writing a plugin to access xsl files

Subject: RE: [xsl] writing a plugin to access xsl files
From: "Michael Kay" <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2005 17:30:35 +0100
You need to read up on the JAXP transformation interfaces: see
javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory in your JDK javadoc documentation.
Specific details for invoking Saxon are at

If you prefer to learn from examples, see the program in
the samples/java directory.

Information about the JAR files needed is at

It's a good idea to put something like

<xsl:comment>XSLT Processor: <xsl:value-of

just to make sure you really are running Saxon and not some other XSLT

Michael Kay 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rahil [mailto:qamar_rahil@xxxxxxxxxxx] 
> Sent: 27 June 2005 17:20
> To: XSL List
> Subject: [xsl] writing a plugin to access xsl files
> Hi
> I have two queries.
> (1) I have been using an XSL Editor for developing my code 
> all along but 
> would now like to write a Java GUI which will invoke a call 
> to the XSL 
> files. I have been using Saxon 8.1.1. Could someone please 
> either let me 
> know which .jar files Ill require and how Ill need to set my 
> plugin or 
> point me to some existing resources that talk about this ?
> (2) Also how can I pre-assign the file name to which the 
> output should 
> be written to instead of the usual <xsl:output method="html"/> or 
> <xsl:output method="xml"/> ?
> Thanks a lot
> Rahil

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