Re: [xsl] test if null

Subject: Re: [xsl] test if null
From: Ragulf Pickaxe <ragulf.pickaxe@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2005 13:12:40 +0200

I thought that select="*" did not process text() elements...?
Am I wrong in this?

If I am right, then this test would not be enough to check whether it
is an empty element, but Jay will have to test on node instead, that
is <xsl:if test="node()">...
(Or perhaps more <xsl:if test="*|text()">...)

Ragulf Pickaxe :-)

> >
> >   3. <xsl:if test="not(count(*) = 0)"/>
> That is equivalent to
> <xsl:if test="*"/>
> David

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