Re: [xsl] Complicated grouping and column question

Subject: Re: [xsl] Complicated grouping and column question
From: Will McCutchen <mccutchen@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2005 16:56:20 -0500
> I just did this exact same thing. My solution was to find middle
> child of the parent elements, and identify it with a key, then put
> all the preceding-siblings of that child's parent, plus the parent
> itself in the left hand column, and all the following-siblings of
> that child's parent in the right hand column.

I tried a few experiments along these lines, but they did not work for
me.  I couldn't find the correct middle child because the elements
weren't in the correct order.  At least, I couldn't think of a way to
do it on my own.  Thanks for the help, though.


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