RE: [xsl] namespaces and xmlns=""

Subject: RE: [xsl] namespaces and xmlns=""
From: <Jarno.Elovirta@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2005 13:13:53 +0200

>Hi all, can someone explain why the following XML and XSLT
>produces an xmlns="" attribute on the image tag in the output.
>I am using MSXML4


><xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
>exclude-result-prefixes="msxsl local s dt rdf">

Here you don't bind a URI to the default namespace

><xsl:variable name="rss_rdf_resource_image"> <xsl:element
>name="image"> <xsl:attribute

Thus here the image element is created in null namespace

>	<!--
>	-->
><xsl:template match="root">
><rdf:RDF xmlns="";

Here you define the default namespace to be bound to a URI

><channel rdf:about="";>
><title>Recently Edited Articles</title>
><description>Recently Edited Articles</description>
><xsl:copy-of select="$rss_rdf_resource_image"/>

And here you copy the image element in null namespace, thus forcing the
serializer to undeclare the default namespace declatation to output what you

Declare all the namespaces in the xsl:stylesheet element and it will work like
a charm.



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