RE: [xsl] Problem in creating a numbering in xsl 1.0

Subject: RE: [xsl] Problem in creating a numbering in xsl 1.0
From: "Arun Sinha" <arunsinha666@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2006 08:31:34 +0000

Are you trying to generate a number in sequence e.g 1, 2, 3, etc. etc.

If yes, then you need to tell how is your "For" loop written.



From: Priya_Agarwal@xxxxxxxxx
Reply-To: xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
To: xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [xsl] Problem in creating a numbering in xsl 1.0
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2006 12:37:08 +0530


I am trying create a sequence number in the output from the xsl
transformation of a log file.

in a for loop I process all the file elements in the log file and present
only those which have a particular error's occurence at least once.
But when i am trying to create a sequence in the output, it is not in
proper steps.

The code I am using to create the numbering is

<xsl:number count="file[child::error[attribute::source=$chckerror]]"

where chckerror is an attribute which gets set everytime in the for loop.

The snippet of the log file is

    <file name="src\dao\com\trade\common\constant\">
      <error line="5" severity="error" message="Line has trailing spaces."
      <error line="9" column="1" severity="error" message="Line contains a
tab character."
source="" />
      <error line="10" column="1" severity="error" message="Line contains
a tab character."
source="" />
      <error line="12" column="1" severity="error" message="Line contains
a tab character."
source="" />
      <error line="13" column="1" severity="error" message="Line contains
a tab character."
source="" />
    <file name="src\dao\com\trade\common\dao\">
      <error line="6" severity="error" message="Line has trailing spaces."
      <error line="10" severity="error" message="Line has trailing
      <error line="10" column="1" severity="error" message="Line contains
a tab character."
source="" />
    <file name="src\dao\com\trade\common\dao\impl\">
      <error line="9" severity="error" message="Line has trailing spaces."

could you please help me !!!!

thanks and regards

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