Re: [xsl] Is this possible using XSLT?

Subject: Re: [xsl] Is this possible using XSLT?
From: Raffaele Sena <raff@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 03 Jul 2006 09:57:17 -0700
Maybe you can match on @lefparen != "" and use a recursive function to open a <paren> tag for each "(".

In the function you also process your bar tags and return when @rightparent = ")"

Too lazy to try to write real code, but I think it may work.

-- Raffaele

Rob Allen wrote:

Is it possible to get XSLT to transform XML that looks
like this:
    <bar leftparen="((" rightparen="" num="3" oper="*"
    <bar leftparen="" rightparen=")" num="2" oper="-"
    <bar leftparen="" rightparen=")" num="2" />

into something that looks like this:
       <bar num="3" oper="*"/>
       <bar num="2" oper="-"/>
     <bar num="2"/>

"paren" elements are opened and closed based on the
number of '(' in each element's leftparen and
rightparen attributes.
Can anyone help?


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