Re: [xsl] xsl2 saxon8B stripping off unwanted separation characters

Subject: Re: [xsl] xsl2 saxon8B stripping off unwanted separation characters
From: Florent Georges <darkman_spam@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2006 15:34:33 +0200 (CEST)
jacques FAUQUEX wrote:


>                 <xsl:value-of separator=" " select="normalize-space 
> (a)"/>

> 	A sequence of more than one item is not allowed as the first  
> argument of normalize-unicode()

  Because you specify explicitely @separator, I guess you expect
multiple values.  And it is what you get really (the error message is
explicit).  But fn:normalize-space() is defined as:

    fn:normalize-space() as xs:string
    fn:normalize-space($arg as xs:string?) as xs:string

so you can't pass a sequence of more than one item.  Try instead the

    <xsl:value-of separator=" " select="a/normalize-space()"/>




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