Re: [xsl] OT: Advice on Oxygen XML Editor

Subject: Re: [xsl] OT: Advice on Oxygen XML Editor
From: Chad Chelius <cchelius@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 7 Jul 2006 10:24:37 -0400
I am using Oxygen and like it very much although I am not the XSLT author that other people on this list are. My main reason for using Oxygen was because it is available for Mac and PC. When I researched it, XMLSpy seemed to be the most popular tool out there, but they don't have a mac version. I have also found that Oxygen's support either on-line or phone is excellent. Although to get phone support you are calling overseas. Hope this helps!

On Jul 7, 2006, at 10:12 AM, Rick Quatro wrote:

Hello All,

I am looking for a good XML editor and am considering Oxygen. If anyone has any opinions or other recommendations, I would appreciate it. I apologize if this question is not appropriate for the list.

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