RE: [xsl] Obtaining Graphic File Widths

Subject: RE: [xsl] Obtaining Graphic File Widths
From: "Michael Kay" <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 21:57:24 +0100
> That doesn't sound compliant. What processor is that? 
> document() shouldn't care what the name of the file is, as 
> long as it parses (and unless your SVG is broken, it does).

Actually, the implementation can be as choosy as it likes about which
documents it is prepared to read. It can certainly depend on the protocol
(URI scheme) and it can also depend on the media type. I think it would be a
little unusual for a file to be rejected because it has the wrong media
type, but it's not beyond the bounds of possibility. Rejecting files that
have no "x" in the name would be even more unusual, but not non-conformant.

Michael Kay

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