Re: [xsl] values in sequence after tokenize

Subject: Re: [xsl] values in sequence after tokenize
From: Florent Georges <darkman_spam@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2006 16:58:31 +0200 (CEST)
Florent Georges wrote:

>     ~/xslt/tests> saxon -it main analyse-string.xsl
>     <line count="1">aa^</line>
>     <line count="2">aaa^</line>
>     <line count="3">aaa^</line>
>     <non>^aa</non>

  Sorry, there was an error while copy/paste (really! 8-o).  The
correct output is:

    <line count="1">aa^aaa^</line>
    <line count="2">aaa^^</line>

  Precision: the position() is incremental between both matching and
non-matching substrings.




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