RE: [xsl] Procesing XHTML files with DOCTYPE statements

Subject: RE: [xsl] Procesing XHTML files with DOCTYPE statements
From: dvint@xxxxxxxxx
Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2006 08:19:38 -0700 (PDT)
I can get to the file directly via IE if that helps.

Anyway, I was hoping for a switch to say - ignore the DTD, process
well-formed. What I hadn't thought of was catalogs, I beleive you support
them, I just haven't looked into actually configuring saxon this way.



>> This problem goes away as soon as I delete the DOCTYPE info,
>> but I don't want to (can't) do this for every file. Is there
>> some way around this error? Note that the DTD does exist at
>> the URL provided, but the default setup in Saxon doens't seem
>> to find it.
> It's nothing to do with the Saxon setup per se. The most common reason you
> can't access to remote URLs is that you're behind a proxy server, and you
> haven't told the Java VM how to get through it. Perhaps someone who's been
> there could share the magic incantations?
> Michael Kay

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