Re: [xsl] Keeping a running total? (Redo)

Subject: Re: [xsl] Keeping a running total? (Redo)
From: didoss@xxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2006 21:01:50 +0000
I would think that the intended output would be:

Factory A produces 3 widgets;
Factory B produces 5 widgets and 1 gadget;
Factory C produces 3 gadgets;
Factory D produces 1 gadget and 1 excess product - whatever that is;
Factory E and beyond produce excess products.

So, you are really trying to keep track of 2 changing numbers,...the number of current product still required, as well as the capacity of the factory.  When the number of the current product required gets to zero, you change products - gotta figure out how to prioritize those.  When the capacity of the current factory gets to zero (has been fully allocated), you change factories - which would be controlled by the order of the input xml, I assume.

So, is it better to do this incrementally - subtract one from required and one from remaining capacity,...or to do bulk comparisons - I need to build 8, but can only build 3, so give all three to Factory 1, and subtract 3 from WidgetRequirement, then I still need to build 5, but Factory B can build 6, so subtract all 5 from the WidgetRequirement and the CurrentCapacity and then figure out what to do with the remaining CurrentCapacity for Factory B.


 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "Dimitre Novatchev" <dnovatchev@xxxxxxxxx>
> The presented source xml file is not too representative because the
> total capacity of the first two factories is exactly the widget quota.
> What should be the output in case the capacity for factory B was 6?
> On 7/11/06, Steve <subsume@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Previous thread has degenerated into confusion. Let's try again.
> >
> > ----- Source XML
> > <xml>
> >  <factory x="A" capacity = "3" />
> >  <factory x="B" capacity= "5" />
> >   <factory x="C" capacity = "3" />
> >   <factory x="D" capacity = "2" />
> >   <factory x="E" capacity = "2" />
> >   ...etc...
> > </xml>
> >
> > $Widget_quota = "8"
> > $Gadget_quota = "5"
> >
> > ----- Goal: an output table like below.
> >
> > Factory    |   Widgets  |  Gadgets    |      Excess
> >
> >     A        |   3
> >     B        |   5
> > <!--          *Click. Widget Quota has been reached. Switch to gadgets* -->
> >     C        |                       3
> >     D        |                       2
> >  <!--          *Click. Omg. Gadget Quota has been reached. Switch to Excess* 
> -->
> >     E         |                                             etc.
> >     F         |                                             etc.
> >     G         |                                             etc.
> >     H         |                                             etc.
> >
> > ----
> > Howto?
> >
> > M.K. Suggested
> >
> > but my question (Howto?) remains.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > -Steve
> >
> >
> -- 
> Cheers,
> Dimitre Novatchev
> ---------------------------------------
> Truly great madness cannot be achieved without significant intelligence.

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