Re: [xsl] Two questions

Subject: Re: [xsl] Two questions
From: David Carlisle <davidc@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2006 01:37:39 +0100
> It also is 
> preceded by another character -  B  The web page then displays B)

It's not preceded by another character, the default output for XSLT (and
for XML, generally, is utf8 in which most characters are encodedusing
multiple bytes. the copyright symbol is encoded in two bytes, so if you
view the file using a utf8 aware system then these two bytes look like a
single (c) but if you look at them in a system that thinks it's latin-a
then you see two random characters (which in this case happen to be an
accented A and the copyright symbol) Your web browser can understabd
utf8 so if it is showing incorrectly there most likely you are serving
it specifying the encoding is iso-88591. It's possible to fix the web
server not todo that but simpler is just to ask xslt to generate in
latin-1 by adding
<xsl:output encoding="iso-8859-1"/>
to your stylesheet.

> When I run this, I get the material under the p tag just as I desire, but I 
> get <p xmlns=""> instead of just <p>

that's because your stylesheet generated p in no-namespace rather than p
in the xhtml namespace. Move
 xmlns=""; l
up on to the xsl:stylesheet element so that it is in scope for teh whole
stylesheet (and probably add it to your common.xsl stylesheet as well
That would fix things for elements generated by the stylesheet but for
html coming from teh source you don't want to copy-of as you need to
change th element name (from p-in-no-namespace to p-in-xhtml)
so replace

<xsl:copy-of select="content/p"/>


<xsl:apply templates mode="xh" select="content/p"/>

and have an xh mode that puts things in xhtml,something like

<xsl:template match="*" mode="xh">
<xsl:element name="{local-name()}"
 <xsl:apply templates mode="xh" />


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