[xsl] FW: [XSL] XSLT Unit Testing (FAO Jeni Tennison)

Subject: [xsl] FW: [XSL] XSLT Unit Testing (FAO Jeni Tennison)
From: "Weston, Toby" <toby.weston@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2006 09:18:44 +0100
Hi Folks,
I'm hoping Jeni will pick this up but if others are interested, please feel
free to comment.
I'd previously done some work with Jeni Tennison's excellent XSLT templates
to unit test XSLT (http://www.jenitennison.com/xslt/utilities/unit-testing/)
- I wrote some samples and created a custom Ant task which allows you to run
multiple XSLT unit-tests, failing a build where appropriate. I've also made
some minor tweaks to the XSLT and would like to improve the reports.
I'd talked to Jeni but recently (last few months) she's been unavailable
(change of email?). I'd like to make the updates publicly available and
thought I could create a sourceforge project (GPL or LGPL perhaps). However,
I need Jeni to confirm the licensing on her templates before doing so. 
Jeni, are you out there?!

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