Re: [xsl] A beef with XSLT Sometimes too complicated

Subject: Re: [xsl] A beef with XSLT Sometimes too complicated
From: David Carlisle <davidc@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2006 10:03:14 +0100
> Is there a cleaner / simpler way to do this?  Any chance you can do
> this in one line?

In xslt2:

<xsl:variable name="bg_img" select="if(normalize-space($all_vars))
 then 'background_bright' else 'background_faded'"/>

> I too am annoyed by the syntax. My pet peev is that xsl:attribute has to 
> be the first element. This is really annoying if you want to optionally 
> add an attribute.

That appears to be a misunderstanding. xsl:attribute does not have to be
the first element you just have to add attributes to the output before
child nodes, so you can have any number of vxsl;variable xsl:if etc
before the xsl:attribute or indeed the xsl:attribute can be in another
place altogether, and executed via call-template.


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