RE: [xsl] Use document() function to get a reference to the input doc

Subject: RE: [xsl] Use document() function to get a reference to the input doc
From: "Michael Kay" <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2006 06:08:07 +0100
> When I brought this issue up off-list, this is the response I 
> received:
> > > I'm getting two different generate-id() values for the same 
> > > document's root node.
> >
> >That's because they aren't the same document... they are two 
> different documents loaded from the same URL.
> >
> >That can't happen if they were both loaded using the document() 
> >function - but in this case, one was and one wasn't, so 
> there are no guarantees.

This sounds a bit as if I might have written it, so let me expand. It's
actually been quite a troublesome area, in sorting out the detailed
semantics of the document-uri() function. 

If you're interested in the subtleties you might like to follow the
discussion at 

which is not yet resolved, but which I think is heading in the direction of
relaxing the requirement that

doc(document-uri(D)) is D

must always hold.

Michael Kay

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