[xsl] XSLT in IE w/Sarissa - omit-xml-declaration="yes" seems broken

Subject: [xsl] XSLT in IE w/Sarissa - omit-xml-declaration="yes" seems broken
From: Lindsey Simon <lsimon@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2006 15:39:17 -0500

I'm using Sarissa to perform client-side XSLT.

Putting omit-xml-declaration="yes" into the output of the xsl makes no difference in the result in IE. I've tested that the property is actually set to yes when the processor gets constructed, and it is. I basically do not want the xml-declaration, and cannot figure out how to not get it back, without just doing an IE specific node removal after the transform.

I'm hoping someone experienced with using the MSXML engines might just know something about this...

Test page: http://www.commoner.com/~lsimon/XSLDataGrid/test/xslt_omit-xml-declaration.html

Thanks! -l


Lindsey Simon
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