Re: [xsl] More XPath 1.0 Expression help

Subject: Re: [xsl] More XPath 1.0 Expression help
From: Todd Ditchendorf <itod@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2006 14:52:26 -0700
Thanks Mike and Spencer, that definitely got me going in the right direction!

However, I don't think I have XSLT grouping available to me in this case... let me explain.

This XPath is to be used in a Schematron <sch:asstert> test attribute. I am using the XSLT ref impl of Schematron 1.5 running against libxslt witch is limited to XSLT 1.0 and XPath 1.0. I don't think i can access exslt from the schematron schema ,so exslt is out.

Also, I'm assuming that I cannot access XSLT grouping mechanisms from within the schematron schema, so that, unfortunately, is out too. : ( Please correct me if I'm wrong there.

So here's what i've got so far:

	<sch:pattern name="Report Duplicate Keys">
		<sch:rule context="/plist/dict/key">
			<sch:assert test="count(../key[.=current()]) = 1">
					Duplicate '<sch:value-of select="."/>' key exists
					<sch:value-of select="count(../key[.=current()])"/> times.
					Keys should be unique.</sch:assert>

So I have access to the XSLT current() func but no XSLT grouping features AFAIK. This rule gets the job of detecting duplicate keys done... unfortunately it also raises n errors for n duplicate keys rather than just one error for n duplicate keys. That's certainly not a show-stopper... but it would be nice to fix.

Any ideas?

The O(n^2) complexity doesn't bother me in this instance as perf is not a prime concern here and the data set is very small anyway.

Here's what the actual input looks like... it's an Apple plist:



On Jul 19, 2006, at 2:22 PM, Michael Kay wrote:

Take a look at

Most of the techniques for grouping are at the XSLT level, but you can use
the basic

key[not(. = preceding-sibling::key)]

if you don't mind O(n^2) complexity.

This detects the distinct values: leave out the not() and you have an
expression that detects the duplicates.

Michael Kay

-----Original Message----- From: Todd Ditchendorf [mailto:itod@xxxxxxxxx] Sent: 19 July 2006 22:18 To: xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: [xsl] More XPath 1.0 Expression help

I need some help constructing an XPath to detect nodes containing duplicate string-values. I am currently restricted to XPath 1.0 syntax , so no access to distinct-values() or exslt unfortunately.

I have a document like this:


How do I create an XPath 1.0 expression to detect the <key>
elements with duplicate string-values?


Todd Ditchendorf Software Engineer itod@xxxxxxxxx

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