RE: [xsl] How can I compare XSLT with Programming languages for parsing XML?

Subject: RE: [xsl] How can I compare XSLT with Programming languages for parsing XML?
From: "Michael Kay" <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2006 09:19:37 +0100
> I am developing XSLT stylesheets to parse MathML(Mathematical 
> markup language) and convert it to text. I would like to 
> justify my design decision of selecting XSLT and not another 
> programming language, what benefits XSLT has over others for 
> parsing XML documents? 

The standard benefits of using a higher-level language: productivity during
the development and maintenance life of the application. 

You have to reckon with a learning curve, however. Your first project using
a new technology can often take longer than if you used a less-appropriate
technology that you already know well.

It would help to get the terminology right. You're talking here about
transforming XML, not about parsing it. Chances are you'll use the same
off-the-shelf XML parser whether you write the transformation in XSLT or in
some other language.

Michael Kay

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