Re: [xsl] Assigning value to variable based on xsl:choose test

Subject: Re: [xsl] Assigning value to variable based on xsl:choose test
From: David Carlisle <davidc@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2006 10:24:41 +0100
> Is it possible to set the value of a variable based upon a test?

yes but the logic of the syntax follows that english description, not
the syntax that you might be familiar with from some other programming
languages. You want _a_ variable binding, the _value_ of which depends on
an boolean test, so that's

<xsl:variable name="numTickets">
 	<xsl:when test="price_type = 56">8</xsl:when>
 	<xsl:when test="price_type = 57">4</xsl:when>


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