Re: [xsl] Comments in XPath / XSLT regular expressions?

Subject: Re: [xsl] Comments in XPath / XSLT regular expressions?
From: David Carlisle <davidc@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2006 10:48:32 +0100
   I came up with the following as a best-practice for 

  <xsl:variable name="re-extract-filename" >
    ^.*?              <!-- non-greedy: grab everything -->  

probably worth adding an as="xs:string" to the xsl:variable line, so the
variable stores a string, as otherwise saxon will go to the trouble of
generating a new document node with a unique identity, with a child text
node with value your regex, and then when you use it as
$re-extract-filename it'll have to coerce it back to a string anyway.


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