[xsl] producing month list in xslt 2.0

Subject: [xsl] producing month list in xslt 2.0
From: "David Murphy" <david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2006 16:53:30 +0100

I'd like to be able to display the next 12 months for use in a calendar

What I have so far:

<xsl:param name="thisMonth"  select="xs:date(format-date(xs:date($m),

<xsl:param name="lastMonth"  select="$thisMonth -

<xsl:param name="nextMonth"  select="$thisMonth +

Is there a way to loop through the next or previous 12 months (wrt the
current focus month, $thisMonth) using the built-in date time functions,
or am I required to call a counter template to loop from 1 to 12?

Thanks for any guidance, David

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