[xsl] Transformation assistance please..

Subject: [xsl] Transformation assistance please..
From: smithbm33 <smithbm33@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2006 21:26:51 -0700 (PDT)

I am new to using XSLT 1.0 - I have the following XML
that I need to transform into HTML table format based
on attributes within the xml.  Any suggestions on how
to transform this would be of great assistance.  

Here is the XML:

      <measurement stage="Pre" time="12:01" type="CO"
      <measurement stage="Pre" time="12:02" type="O2"
      <measurement stage="Post" time="12:05" type="O2"
      <measurement stage="During" time="12:04"
type="SpO2" uom="%">40</measurement>
      <measurement stage="Pre" time="12:02 "
type="xyz" uom="ml">300</measurement>
      <measurement stage="During" time="12:02"
type="He" uom="%">100</measurement>

The HTML table output that I need is:

Time  | Stage | CO  | O2 | SpO2 | He  | xyz |
12:01 | Pre   | 4.0 |    |      |     |     |
12:02 | Pre   |     | 98 |      |     | 300 |
12:02 | During|     |    |      | 98  |     |
12:04 | During|     |    | 40   |     |     |
12:05 | Post  |     | 88 |      |     |     |

Thanks - Bret

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