Re: [xsl] Fine tuning a template match

Subject: Re: [xsl] Fine tuning a template match
From: "Jay Bryant" <jay@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 00:00:11 -0500
Hi, Trevor,

I sympathize, as I am doing FrameMaker-to-DocBook for my current client.

If I understand correctly, you want to narrow the XRefs within tables. If
so, could you add [ancstor::TABLE]:

<!-- hyperlink targets in rows -->

That would ensure that this template matches only A elements that somewhere
within tables.

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Trevor Nicholls" <trevor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, July 30, 2006 10:56 PM
Subject: [xsl] Fine tuning a template match

> Hi
> I am trying to transform some FrameMaker-generated XML that contains lots
> tables. The tables optionally include a set of titles, and these titles
> usually wrapped in a caption element - but sometimes the caption element
> also includes all the table rows :-(
> Scattered "randomly" through the tables we have <A id=> elements and my
> requirement is to process all title-related <A> elements before the table,
> and all row-related <A> elements within their row. There are <A id=>
> elements elsewhere in the document, hence some of the conditions in the
> template which is designed to process them.
> The following extract successfully identifies the table types and the <A>
> elements to be processed at the head of the tables:
> ==============
> <!-- tables -->
> <!-- some tables have one caption child and multiple row children-->
> <xsl:template match="TABLE[CAPTION and ROW]">
> <xsl:apply-templates select="CAPTION//A[@ID]" mode="tblhd"/>
> <xsl:element name="table">...</xsl:element>
> </xsl:template>
> <!-- others have all the rows inside the caption -->
> <!-- in this case the title is wrapped in a titlelist -->
> <xsl:template match="TABLE[CAPTION/ROW]">
> <xsl:apply-templates select="CAPTION/TableTitleList//A[@ID]" mode="tblhd"
> <xsl:element name="table">...</xsl:element>
> </xsl:template>
> <!-- and others have no caption at all -->
> <xsl:template match="TABLE">
> <xsl:element name="table">...</xsl:element>
> </xsl:template>
> ...
> <!-- hyperlink targets in headings -->
> <xsl:template match="A[@ID]" mode="tblhd">
> ...
> </xsl:template>
> <!-- hyperlink targets in rows -->
> <xsl:template
> ...
> </xsl:template>
> ==============
> As it stands this last template which matches all ID'ed "A" elements in
> tables causes these elements to be processed twice - once by the moded
> template and once by the standard template, so that the XML generated for
> hyperlink target appears both before the <table> element and once again
> inside it. So I need to fine tune the final template somehow: I need to
> exclude the pre-table context from the un-moded template. Does that make
> sense?
> Cheers
> Trevor

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