RE: [xsl] Saxon auto-recognition of sequence of XML and XSLT document possible ?

Subject: RE: [xsl] Saxon auto-recognition of sequence of XML and XSLT document possible ?
From: "Michael Kay" <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 2 Feb 2007 19:44:28 -0000
> Is there no Auto-recognition from Saxon to detect which of 
> the two documents is the XML and which the XSLT stylesheet 
> and hence allow also
> java  -jar dir/saxon8.jar   [options]    stylesheet 
> source-document    [ params...] 

I can think of many ways of improving the Saxon command line, including many
that won't be implemented for backwards compatibility reasons. But I don't
think that guessing which file is the source document and which is the
stylesheet would be an improvement at all.

You shouldn't think of the command line as the only or primary interface to
Saxon. The primary interface is the Java API. You're welcome to create your
own interface on top of that according to your own requirements.

Michael Kay

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