Re: [xsl] Doctype Declerations Imported StyleSheets

Subject: Re: [xsl] Doctype Declerations Imported StyleSheets
From: "Karl Stubsjoen" <kstubs@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2007 12:23:54 -0700
XSLT 1.0
So it needs to be part of the child stylesheet?  Do you know how this
is specified in the docs so that I can keep my eyes open for this?

On 2/10/07, Manfred Staudinger <manfred.staudinger@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 10/02/07, Karl Stubsjoen <kstubs@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> If I have a base template and I set the output to:
> <xsl:output method="html" indent="yes"
>         doctype-public="-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"
>         doctype-system=""/>
> Do I need to call out this doctype again in a template which imports
> this base template?  It seems I do. If I don't, the resulting doctype
> is different than the doctype called out above.  So how does this
> work?
What is the processor you are using ?
XSLT 1.0 or XSLT 2.0 ?
As the output element has to be a child of the stylesheet element, I think
you cannot have it in an importet template.


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