[xsl] grouping flat structure, part two

Subject: [xsl] grouping flat structure, part two
From: Terry Ofner <tofner@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2008 09:38:55 -0500
Thanks to those that showed me how to use for-each-group (group- starting-with). That would be a wonderful solution except that I have intervening elements that I need to keep out of each group. Here is an updated snapshot of my input:

<par class="stem_mc">&#9;5.1&#9;Which definition of key matches how the word is used in the following sentence?</par>
<par class="display">What key should I play that in?</par>
<par class="choice-a">&#9;A&#9;definition 1</par>
<par class="choice-b">&#9;B&#9;definition 2</par>
<par class="choice-c">&#9;C&#9;definition 3</par>
<par class="choice-d">&#9;D&#9;definition 4</par>
<par class="answer">D</par>
<par class="g_code">G5U1S9</par>

<par class="NarrIntro">2. Directions: Study the homographs. Then answer the related question(s).</par>
<par class="NarrBody"><inline style="font-weight: bold;">scale</ inline>&#9;device for measuring weight</par>
<par class="NarrBody"><inline style="font-weight: bold;">scale</ inline>&#9;series of steps or degrees </par>
<par class="NarrBody"><inline style="font-weight: bold;">scaln</ inline>&#9;series of musical notes</par>
<par class="NarrBody"><inline style="font-weight: bold;">scale</ inline>&#9;outer body layer of fish and snakes</par>

<par class="stem_mc">&#9;6.2&#9;Which meaning of scale is used in the sentence below?</par>
<par class="display">The butcher put the meat on the scale.</par>
<par class="choice-a">&#9;A&#9;device for measuring weight</par>
<par class="choice-b">&#9;B&#9;series of steps or degrees</par>
<par class="choice-c">&#9;C&#9;series of musical notes</par>
<par class="choice-d">&#9;D&#9;outer body layer of fish and snakes</par>
<par class="answer">A</par>
<par class="g_code">G5U1S7</par>

I need to group each question from @stem_mc to @g_code . Along the way I need to group narratives from @NarrIntro to the last @NarrBody.

Since the narratives looked easier, I tried the following group- adjacent template to group them.

<xsl:template match="part">
	<xsl:for-each-group group-adjacent="@class='NarrBody'" select="*">
	<xsl:apply-templates select="preceding-sibling::par[1]/node()"/>
	<xsl:apply-templates select="current-group()"/>

The above template produces the following output.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<par class="stem_mc"> 5.1 Which definition of key matches how the word is used in the following sentence?</par>
<par class="display">What key should I play that in?</par>
<par class="choice-a"> A definition 1</par>
<par class="choice-b"> B definition 2</par>
<par class="choice-c"> C definition 3</par>
<par class="choice-d"> D definition 4</par>
<par class="answer">D</par>
<par class="g_code">G5U1S9</par>
<par class="NarrIntro">2. Directions: Study the homographs. Then answer the related question(s).</par>
<narrative>2. Directions: Study the homographs. Then answer the related question(s).<par class="NarrBody">
<inline style="font-weight: bold;">scale</inline> device for measuring weight</par>
<par class="NarrBody">
<inline style="font-weight: bold;">scale</inline> series of steps or degrees </par>
<par class="NarrBody">
<inline style="font-weight: bold;">scaln</inline> series of musical notes</par>
<par class="NarrBody">
<inline style="font-weight: bold;">scale</inline> outer body layer of fish and snakes</par>
<inline style="font-weight: bold;">scale</inline> outer body layer of fish and snakes<par class="stem_mc"> 6.2 Which meaning of scale is used in the sentence below?</par>
<par class="display">The butcher put the meat on the scale.</par>
<par class="choice-a"> A device for measuring weight</ par>
<par class="choice-b"> B series of steps or degrees</ par>
<par class="choice-c"> C series of musical notes</par>
<par class="choice-d"> D outer body layer of fish and snakes</par>
<par class="answer">A</par>
<par class="g_code">G5U1S7</par>

I am obviously missing something. Any hints would be appreciated.


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