RE: PDFJadeTeX Documentation.

Subject: RE: PDFJadeTeX Documentation.
From: "Frank A. Christoph" <christo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 20 Nov 1999 15:58:37 +0900
I'll write it up installation instructions for teTeX and fill in the details
I left out earlier, if someone will answer these questions for me:

1. As I said, I was able to make jadetex.fmt with "latex" rather than
"hugelatex". Does that have any consequences, or does it not matter as long
as you can produce the the format file?

2. Are the pool_size and hash_extra values below OK? Any other parameters
that should be upped?

3. When making the format files, there is a warning about no Elsevier font
setup being available. Is that safe to ignore?


Dave Pawson wrote:
> Jadetex documentation: A starter for 10
> I did actually write this up.
> Its now resident on the Linux partition of the
> computer I gave to my son 9 months ago<sigh/>
> Also, I couldn't find Sebastians jadetex 'install' documentation
> that used to be on his site?
> Regards DaveP
>  Frank A. Christoph started it:
> 1. Check if you have, else create, hugelatex
> [How to check?, How to create?]
> 2. Add the following to texmf.conf
> >pool_size.jadetex = 300000
> >pool_size.pdfjadetex = 300000
> >hash_extra.jadetex = 20000
> >hash_extra.pdfjadetex = 20000
> 3. create a symbolic link to "latex" and "pdflatex" with the
> same name as the basename of the .fmt file.... in case anyone else was
> wondering.)
> [How?]
> 4. Integrate jadetex macros with your tex installation
> [how?]
> Anyone add anything else?
> 5.
> Or use TexLive from the CD ROM. :-)
> DaveP
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