Re: (dsssl) DSSSL used to make RTF out of XML

Subject: Re: (dsssl) DSSSL used to make RTF out of XML
From: Yann Dirson <ydirson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2002 11:56:14 +0200
On Fri, Jul 26, 2002 at 06:55:00PM +0200, Lars Bungum wrote:
> ..the openjade RTF backend is described, and I see that for instance the
> flow objects font-name and font-posture are applicable.  But where can I
> find information on how to use them?  I need to know from what fonts I
> can choose, and what postures I can apply in order to have some use for
> it.  And the table things are even more complicated, I assume.
> Is there a place where I can look these things up?

You can find an HTML version of the DSSSL standard at  You'll find that in
section 12.6.11:

| font-posture: is either #f, indicating that any posture is acceptable,
| or one of the symbols not-applicable, upright, oblique,
| back-slanted-oblique, italic, or back-slanted-italic, giving the
| posture property of the desired font resource. The initial value is
| upright. In addition, the value math is allowed specifying that the
| font posture shall be the value of the math-font-posture:
| characteristic.
| font-name: is either #f, indicating that any font name is acceptable,
| or a string which is the public identifier for the font name property
| of the desired font resource. When the value is a string, the values
| of the font-family-name:, font-weight:, font-posture:,
| font-structure:, and font-proportionate-width: characteristics are not
| used in font selection. The initial value is #f.
| font-family-name: is either #f, indicating that any font family is
| acceptable, or a string giving the font family name property of the
| desired font resource. The initial value is iso-serif.  NOTE 81:
| ISO/IEC 10180 defines a mandatory font set for interchange comprising
| the font families iso-serif, iso-sanserif, and iso-monospace

Otherwise, the available font names depend on those available to your

Yann Dirson <Yann.Dirson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>       
Technical support manager                Responsable de l'assistance technique
Senior Free-Software Consultant          Consultant senior en Logiciels Libres
Debian developer (dirson@xxxxxxxxxx)                        Développeur Debian

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