Re: [dssslist] & as string

Subject: Re: [dssslist] & as string
From: Alberto Martinez <alberto.martinez@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2006 11:04:14 +0200
David Carlisle schrieb:

   <a href="/cgi-bin/contact.cgi?lng=eng&to=webmaster">
That is an HTML syntax error (although typically browsers do not report
syntax errors)

but I obtain:

<a href="/cgi-bin/contact.cgi?lng=eng&#38;to=webmaster">

Given that, the browser should make a http request for
and the cgi bin script should execute.

Are you sure that the output you have doesn't work?


Thank you David, but the output doesn't work...

Sorry, I think, perhaps I was beating about the bush, let's forget the CGI and HTML, what I basically would like to know is:

Why (string-append "&#43;" "Hello" "&#43;") gives "+Hello+" as output,
and (string-append "&#38;" "Hello" "&#38;") gives "&#38;Hello&#38;" as output, instead of "&Hello&"?

I would like to define, for example an element like this:

(element TEST
   (make element gi: "OUTPUT"
      (string-append "Starsky " "&" " Hutch")

And obtain <OUTPUT>Starsky & Hutch</OUTPUT>

But if I use "&" as string I get <OUTPUT>Starsky &#38; Hutch</OUTPUT> as output.
And when I use "&#38;" I get also <OUTPUT>Starsky &#38; Hutch</OUTPUT>.
I know, if I would use literals it would be easy, but as I said, I must use strings...
The goal is to obtain anyway using strings <OUTPUT>Starsky & Hutch</OUTPUT>, is this possible?

Thank you again!

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