Re: [jats-list] how to describe <collab> in multiple languages

Subject: Re: [jats-list] how to describe <collab> in multiple languages
From: tokizane <tokizane@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 10 Jul 2011 17:56:42 +0900
Dear everybone,

I personally think introducing <collab-alternative> sounds a good idea.
But before proceeding further, I would like to suggest collecting and
examining live examples.  Please give our Japanese working group
a little time to do so.

Best regards,

Soichi (Tokizane not Kubota)

------ Original Message ------
Subject : Re: [jats-list] how to describe <collab> in multiple languages
Date : Wed, 6 Jul 2011 08:30:14 -0400
To : jats-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <jats-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
From : Beck, Jeff (NIH/NLM/NCBI) [E] <beck@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Dear Soiche,

I would like to second Laura's suggestion to make a request for a
collab-alternatives structure similar to the one that we have for

A general "Alternatives" structure exists in the Tag Suite now, which can
be used as Laura pointed out. But the Working Group decided that for
language alternatives the model would be stronger with explicit
alternatives tags for the elements involved.

These exist now for name and affiliation (and probably should exist for
collab). Publisher information is already sequestered in the publisher
element wrapper. The change that was made here was to allow the pair
publisher-name, publisher-loc to repeat within publisher to handle any
alternate forms of the publisher information.

Debbie Lapeyre will be presenting a paper at JATS-Con this year called
"Introduction to Multi-language Documents in JATS"
( that will explain how
the multi-language facilities in NISO JATS 0.1 are intended to be used.
The conference will be September 26 and 27 here on the NIH Campus. Details
are available on the website:

We will be streaming the presentations during the conference for anyone
who cannot make the trip.

All the best, Jeff Beck

On 7/6/11 12:12 AM, "Soichi Kubota" <kubota@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Dear Debbie, Bruce, Chris, and Laura,

Thank you for your comments.
I understand it is not good to expand <name-alternatives> to contain

It would be better to add
<lang-alternatives> to expand elements not supporting multiple languages
like <collab> , < publisher-name>,...
for multi purposes like:

 <collab xml:lang="en">ABC Laboratory</collab>
 <collab xml:lang="fr">ABC Laboratoire</collab>

But now we have <name-alternatives>, <aff-alternatives> and we may have a
few additional elements requiring multi-lingual description, so we can
respond to this by adding <collab-alternatives>,
<publisher-name-alternatives>, etc..

I think this kind of points were discussed before ver3.1. I would
appreciate any comments.

Best wishes,
Soichi Kubota

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kelly, Laura (NIH/NLM/NCBI) [E]" <kelly@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <jats-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2011 8:04 PM
Subject: RE: [jats-list] how to describe <collab> in multiple languages

Soichi, There isn't really a provision for collab-alternatives that parallel name-alternatives. Please consider making a request for this feature:

It's possible to tag <alternatives> inside <collab> and use multiple
<textual-form> elements with the xml:lang attribute specified.
Unfortunately that's a hack solution and it won't allow you to include
any of the structures in <collab> that capture anything more than text


________________________________________ From: Soichi Kubota [kubota@xxxxxxxxx] Sent: Monday, July 04, 2011 7:39 PM To: jats-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: [jats-list] how to describe <collab> in multiple languages

Dear all,

When we write a personal name in multiple languages, we should follow the
description shown in
Example1. of with

But when we write a collaborative (group) author name in multiple
languages, what should we do?
Should we use "specific-use" attribute?

Can <name-alternatives> be changed to contain <collab> in it?

Thank you.

Best wishes,
Soichi Kubota

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