Re: xsl: descendent count?

Subject: Re: xsl: descendent count?
From: David Carlisle <davidc@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 11:28:53 +0100 (BST)
>  <xsl:if test='["cout(*)>5"]'>

> The above condition is not working, can you help me out.

Well it's not working because almost every bit of it is syntactically

[ ] are essentially filters that you apply to a node list you have
 constructed eg 
 select = "para" gives you all the para children
  select = "para[position() &gt; 3]"
gives you all but the first three, but you have to have something before
the [ to apply to.

Here though you are not filtering a node list at all so you don't want
[ ]

Then "cout(*)>5" is inside " so is just the string cout(*)>5 and
XSLT doesn't see it as a  greater than expression, it is just a string.
So you don't want to quote this with "

and finally you misspelled count (this would be an unknown function
error if you hadn't quoted the whole expression into a string)

<xsl:if test="count(*) &gt; 5">

I changed > to &gt; although > is legal. (I find it confusing to use >
as < is not legal you have to use &lt; so I prefer to use entities for

I changed your top level quotes from ' to " just because I try to always
use " for the XML attribute quotes and then ' for xslt (xpath) string
quotes, but this is just a matter of personal style, some people do it
the other way round.


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